2010年5月19日 星期三

Make a Wish

There is an old saying” time flies”. So soon, I will be 19 year-old soon. When it comes birthday every year, every people will make some wishes. Maybe we will have different wishes and goals every year, however, we may likely have some same wishes which you made last year. Thinking of my birthday last year, I feel a little regret. That’s because I did not take “making wishes” seriously. I made some wishes that are not the most vital to me. I think I really lost the chance. So this year, I will think it seriously and carefully. By this chance, I ask myself what I really want to do and what I truly desire and the most important of all is to me what is the most valuable thing. The thing I hope most is that someone I love can always be with me and we can get through every obstacle or every hardship together.
19 years maybe is not long for some people, but it is really not a short time. I have learned many crucial things during these years, especially last year. I found if the thing you want or care is different from others; it would be hard for you two to reach an agreement. We have to see this truth clearly. We have to think what is truly important to us and try our best to cherish. I think if my 19 year-old life can be surrounded with everything I love, how wonderful it will be.

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