2010年5月5日 星期三

Can i be luckier?

To be honest, I felt upset a few days ago. Many things happened. Sometimes I really felt I could not stand any more. But, I still have some friends who always stand by me and cheer me up when I feel sad. I feel much better after talking to them. I know no matter what I still have them. With this realization, I felt much relieved. Only on this time will you know who is really a good friend. I am really grateful for them.
Recently, I have watched many movies. It calmed me down and relaxed. After classes, I would go back to dorm and turn on the computer using PPS to watch movies. It is the favorite time of the whole day. I can choose what I want and enjoy it. I watched the movie I love again. It gave me a kind of a sensation that I came to back to the period of life again. It a really queer feeling as if that you can have your own life again. Some movies are so wonderful and moving that no matter how many times you have watched you still can be touched when you watch them. I also watched some fantastic movies that I did not watch before although I wanted to see. I think watching movies is a useful way to make yourself happier when you feel really bad. It seems that movies can bring people to another world.
I hope I can get rid of bad mood and be luckier next week and everything can be much better in the future. After all, I do not want to unlucky person anymore.

