2009年11月15日 星期日

Recent goal of life

Through this midterm, I realized I really need to study harder. As a student, what I should do is to focus on learning. Entering college, there are a lot of seduces, if I do not think what I want and what I should do clearly, it easy for me to lose in this colorful world. Now, I make up my mind that I will try my beat to improve my English.
The first step to achieve this goal is to arrange my time well. I am a person who always wastes time. I do things slowly it made me lose a lot of time. Since now, I would arrange my schedule tomorrow before every night I go to bed. I hope it will work and can help me save more time to more things.
The second step is to live a regular life. Go to bed early get up early everyday as possible as I can. I think it is not only good for health but also can do things more efficiently.
To get to this goal, I have to get rid of some bad habits. Maybe it will be very difficult in the beginning, but I will do my best to conquer every difficulty and to be a person what I want to be.

