2009年11月26日 星期四

Work Out!!

My recent life is really busy and I think it has something to do with my own problem. I still have problem arranging my time. I always waste my time on using computer. When I use computer to do my assignment, I can not help but to see something interesting else on the internet. Unknowingly, I spent a lot of time on the internet and I went to bed almost at 2 a.m. in whole week. The next day I felt tired and could not focus on class because the lack of sleep.
There are many things I want to do but the foremost one is to improve my listening. I did poor on my listening midterm. I feel I have a few difficulties catching with my classmates during class. Although I feel frustrated, I will try my best to keep up with others. I think I really need to put a lot effort on it. There are a lot of things I have to working on.

2009年11月18日 星期三

Become An Adult

What kind of person I want to be? It is a question I ask myself often recently.
When our life becomes busy, there is less time for us to think deeply. As a result, it is a chance that we may forget what things is most important for us and what thing we desire most. I remind myself not fall in with the crowd. I should remember why I come this college and what I want to do in the future. To do so, I always leave some time for myself to meditate every day before i go to bed.
Not like what I thought in high school, college is not so easy. I have to be responsible for myself and for what I did. You really should think clearly before doing everything preventing you will regret in the future. I feel I am going to be an adult truly. Although it may be a little heavy, it still deserves to be proud of. Now, I have to learn how to take care of myself well and people by my side. I really need to learn how to become a true adult.

2009年11月15日 星期日

Recent goal of life

Through this midterm, I realized I really need to study harder. As a student, what I should do is to focus on learning. Entering college, there are a lot of seduces, if I do not think what I want and what I should do clearly, it easy for me to lose in this colorful world. Now, I make up my mind that I will try my beat to improve my English.
The first step to achieve this goal is to arrange my time well. I am a person who always wastes time. I do things slowly it made me lose a lot of time. Since now, I would arrange my schedule tomorrow before every night I go to bed. I hope it will work and can help me save more time to more things.
The second step is to live a regular life. Go to bed early get up early everyday as possible as I can. I think it is not only good for health but also can do things more efficiently.
To get to this goal, I have to get rid of some bad habits. Maybe it will be very difficult in the beginning, but I will do my best to conquer every difficulty and to be a person what I want to be.

2009年11月4日 星期三


Recently, I am really busy. One reason is the midterm is coming another reason is our drama performance.
I was elected as a director of our drama performance. One thing I need to do is to find a good script and it is a little bit difficult for me. I asked some people for help and they suggested me to surf on the internet. Although I browse through the website, there are few scripts satisfying my appetite. I really want to write some interesting by myself or revise some scripts. But I have to hand in my script next week. I have no time. I feel pressure about my midterm also my script. I want to do them well. I have to try my best and not to let someone feel disappointed at me. Maybe it will be challenging, but I trust myself that I can do well both of them. I believe.

2009年11月1日 星期日


This week is really busy because of cheerleader competition and midterm which will come next week. It is really hard to find time to study so I am worried about the exam. I will try my best to keep up teachers’ space and study harder, hoping I can do well on my midterm.
The 90th birthday of our school is really cool. President also comes here to join us. Our cheerleader competition is exciting. We practice for this race almost a month and we also perform well in this competition although we can be the campaign.
But the most crucial are we all try our best and make many friends through this experience. I think they are the best repay.
After the midterm, we will still be busy because of the drama. I think it will be a excellent experience just like this time.