2010年4月1日 星期四

Spring trip

Last Sunday, my roommates and I went to 苗栗. We have planned this trip for a long time and all of us are looking forward to it very much. We got up early in the morning and after getting everything already we started to take a bus. We took a bus to train station and took train to our destination. After almost 40 minutes, we arrived. Things went pretty smooth so far. However, after we got off the train, we felt the weather is much colder than where we set off. We rented motors and our trip truly began. We went to 勝興車站 龍騰斷橋 水載下瀑布 鯉魚潭水庫 天空之城. What’s more, we rode an hour to 大湖 and to pick strawberries. It is fun to do this kind of things with roommates and we had a good time there.

We ate a lot of local food and met many great people there. We are really lucky that we can have this fortune to have our trip. I cherish the trip and the friendship with my roommates. I believe that all of us enjoyed the trip and had a really special experience.

