2010年3月7日 星期日

Cherish Everything Beside Us!

We may experience many different stages in our lives. We may encounter many people in many stages, some of them will become vital to us, howver, the others will just be passing travellers to us.
Sometimes, we may make a lot of effort to seize something or someone. It makes us feel strenuous even painful. Not until the end do we know something orginally not belong to us. Every effort we made just in vain. But, only when we realize that the true will we relive.
In the recent, I heard a story based on one of my friend. She said the man she love would going to be married. She did not know the true feeling for that man when the man pursued her. After a period of time, the men found another girl he loved and my friend finally realized her true feeling for the man. She is so regret that she doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between the man and herself. Because the man has a girlfriend she dicided to give up and to be a friend of him. However, when she knew he is going to get married, she could not help but feel upset.
Someone will think if she could answer the man at first, everything will be different. But,maybe it what destiny is. Although she is painful, she will learn a valuable lesson and know what she want after this experience.
In our life, we may lost a lot of things. But, if something or someone is really important and meaningful to you, we should cherish them and do our best to show our love to them. To let them know how important they are to us before we lose them.

