2010年3月24日 星期三

Spring Time

It is spring now. There is saying that the spring weather is the most unstable. The recent weather is the proof of this word. Yesterday, it was sunny and hot; however, it is rainy today. I felt much colder when I woke up today, although I turned on the air-conditioner last night. Hoe true the old saying is.
We will have a short vacation on the beginning of April. Some friends are planning about the vacation. In college, we actually have much free time we can arrange by ourselves. How to get use of it to make our life meaningful becomes the important issue of us. Some people choose to study; others choose to join different kinds of activities to make their lives colorful. Different people have different choices, but they have one thing in common: that is they want to have a wonderful college life and to reach this goal, they all make their effort.

2010年3月17日 星期三

Let's go biking

On winter vacation, I went biking with my friend. It was a sunny day, a good day for going out. We took a train to 后豐鐵馬道. It is a place for biking. We borrowed bikes and start our biking trip. The weather was so great that we really enjoyed it. When the breeze passed through our faces, we could not help but to sing. The beautiful scene around us made us feel relaxed and forget everything we worried about. There were also many families biking there. Looking at them, I felt so warm and I thought they had good time like us, too.
Recently, I miss the feeling of the passing breeze and beautiful scenery there. So, I will go there as soon as possible. If we want to do something, we really should do as soon as we can. Sometimes if we just think to put it aside for a while, we may likely lose the only chance to achieve it.

2010年3月11日 星期四

My World

As a college student, it seems that we should not just focus on our academic. There are still many things we need to try or experience. Not knowing why after entering college, I think it become harder and harder to be satisfied with my life. When I was a high student, the only thing I do is study. Although I did not do anything else, I still felt my life was rich and I was really happy. If it is true that when we get older, we will ask for more? Sometimes, I tell myself to remember what I really need in afraid of losing my way.
I have not been to the science museum for a long time. I have a lot of memory there. Recently, I always think of there. I think it is the time for me to go there again.
I am a person who enjoy being with others. I like the feeling to do things together with friends or family. But, sometimes I prefer to be alone. I love reading books at night when the world all silent. The world just belongs to books and me. I love walking on streets by myself. I can observe the look of city by my own space. Not being bothered by others and needing to care others’ space.
I want to live the life I want to live.

2010年3月7日 星期日

Cherish Everything Beside Us!

We may experience many different stages in our lives. We may encounter many people in many stages, some of them will become vital to us, howver, the others will just be passing travellers to us.
Sometimes, we may make a lot of effort to seize something or someone. It makes us feel strenuous even painful. Not until the end do we know something orginally not belong to us. Every effort we made just in vain. But, only when we realize that the true will we relive.
In the recent, I heard a story based on one of my friend. She said the man she love would going to be married. She did not know the true feeling for that man when the man pursued her. After a period of time, the men found another girl he loved and my friend finally realized her true feeling for the man. She is so regret that she doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between the man and herself. Because the man has a girlfriend she dicided to give up and to be a friend of him. However, when she knew he is going to get married, she could not help but feel upset.
Someone will think if she could answer the man at first, everything will be different. But,maybe it what destiny is. Although she is painful, she will learn a valuable lesson and know what she want after this experience.
In our life, we may lost a lot of things. But, if something or someone is really important and meaningful to you, we should cherish them and do our best to show our love to them. To let them know how important they are to us before we lose them.