2009年12月28日 星期一

A Trip To Taipei

This Friday is Christmas. I had made deal with my friends I would go to Taipei to see them. So in the Friday afternoon, I took bus to Taipei. After almost 2 hour, I arrived. My friend took me up and it was really nice to saw her. She guided me to 師大夜市. We ate a lot of food there and really had fun. In the evening, we went to 北藝 to see another friend’s perform. She is a little different from high school, but I know there is one thing will never change. We chatted until 4 a.m. We had a lot to talk. We talked things happened around us, our new environment, our new friends and everything we want to share. It is really good to get together with them. I feel so warm.
The next day, we went to 龍山寺 and 西門町. We really had good time. After saying goodbye, I took bus and came back to Taichung. Although this trip is short, but I feel satisfied. I really want to say: I love you, all of my friends. .

