2009年10月14日 星期三

Smile Everyday :)

Today, our professor shared an essay excerpted from TIME with us. It is about why Filipinos tend to be happy. Some sentences of this essay touch my heart. Although Filipinos live in poverty, political conflict, corruption and environmental destruction, they are still optimistic. I ask myself “if they can be so happy and enjoy their life, do we have right to complain about our lives?” Why they can be happier than us even they have much less than us?
Sometimes, I ignore what I have and just envy what others have. It makes me feel unsatisfied and unhappy. But when I find everything around me is so beautiful, I understand instead of being unsatisfied I really need to be grateful for what I have now. For my family who always supports me and stand by me. For my friend who always listen to me and share their lives with me. They give me so much, why I am unhappy?
From now on, I will try my best to be a more optimistic person, facing everything with big smileJ

