2010年2月28日 星期日

New begining!

It is a new semester for me it can be a new begining. last semester, I was just a new freshman. Everything was so new and fascinating to me. As a result, I sometimes may forget to enhence my homework and waste my time. In winter vacation, i gave myself some time to think what I really want and really need. I suddenly realize I should pay more attention to what is really impotant to me instead of doing something meaningless. i want to creat a life style which i would satisfied and enjoy because i afraid i will regret in the future. i do not know wnat will happen and how i will think about my life in the future, so i have to seize everyday and do something.
To reach this goal, the fist and the most important thing is to learn how to arrange my time well. If I can get use of my time, I will have more leisure time to do what I want and have more time to do things which I need to do better. There is a lot of voice around us to tell us what is important and useful, but is it really meaningful to us and is it the thing we want? We sometimes want to be the person that others want us to be. A good student, a good child,a good friends or maybe a good lover. But, how often do we listen to our heart? How often do we listen to the most true sound inside our heart?